Awards & Affiliations
Legacy Of Success
Proven by Award Winning Performance and a Team Dedicated to Both Quality Products and Exceptional Customer Service.
Spanning 3 decades, Mike Friday and his ever-growing team of professionals have been accomplishing great things for the home buyers of North Alabama. Throughout the years, they have won a multitude or awards; in addition, Woodland Homes has received local, regional, and national recognition by numerous reputable establishments.
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is established in 1987.
The Huntsville and Madison County Builders Association First Place Award in Parade of Homes.
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is named #21, recognized by Builder's Magazine's Fastest Growing Builders in 2001.
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is named #54 recognized by Builder's Magazine's Fastest Growing Builders in 2005
Nominated for Small Business of the Year Award by the Huntsville Chamber of Commerce
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is recognized by Builder's Magazine as #146 of America's Best Builders in 2009
Woodland Homes of Huntsville hosts the Showcase Home in the Huntsville & Madison County Parade of Homes
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is named #182 Recognized by Builder's Magazine's Fastest Growing Builders in 2013
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is ranked #227 by Professional Builder's Magazine as one of America's Housing Giants in 2017
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is ranked #219 in ProBuilder's Housing Giants Nation's Largest Builders list in May 2021.
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is Incorporated.
The Huntsville and Madison County Builders Association First Place Award in Parade of Homes.
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is named #56, recognized by Builder's Magazine's Fastest Growing Builders in 2002.
TVA Awarded Woodland Homes of Huntsville The State Champion for the "Energy Right" New Homes Program.
Woodland Homes is named #55 Recognized by Builder's Magazine's Fastest Growing Builders in 2006
Nominated for Small Business of the Year Award by the Huntsville Chamber of Commerce
Celebrates its 15-Year Anniversary
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is recognized by Builder's Magazine as #153 of America's Best Builders in 2010
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is ranked #243 by Professional Builder's Magazine as one of America's Housing Giants in 2014.
In 2013, 2014 & 2015, the Chamber of Commerce of Huntsville/Madison County nominates Woodland Homes of Huntsville as Best Place to Work in Madison County
Now 31 years later, Woodland Homes of Huntsville embarks on celebrating over 30 years of corporate success
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is ranked #234 by Professional Builder's Magazine as one of America's Housing Giants in 2018
The Huntsville and Madison County Builders Association First Place Award in Parade of Homes.
The Huntsville and Madison County Builders Association ceased from awarding builders.
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is named #56, recognized by Builder's Magazine's Fastest Growing Builders in 2003.
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is Recognized by Builder's Magazine as #194 of America's Best Builders in 2007
Marketing Machine: A Featured Article in Builder Magazine
Woodland Homes of Huntsville was Awarded in 2007 the Small Business of the Year Award by the Huntsville Chamber of Commerce
Also in 2007, Woodland Homes of Huntsville received the AxisPointe Award for Excellence in Post-Construction Customer Service
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is recognized by Professional Builder Magazine as #144 of America's Housing Giants in 2011 (Annual Ranking of the Nation's Largest Home Builders)
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is ranked #240 by Professional Builder's Magazine as one of America's Housing Giants in 2015
In 2015, Woodland Homes of Huntsville receives the Builder's Choice Award
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is ranked #222 by Professional Builder's Magazine as one of America's Housing Giants in 2019
The Huntsville and Madison County Builders Association First Place Award in Parade of Homes.
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is named #40, recognized by Builder's Magazine's Fastest Growing Builders in 2000.
Woodland Homes of Huntsville was recognized as North Alabama's "Only" Elite Builder
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is named #81 Recognized by Builder's Magazine's Fastest Growing Builders in 2004
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is recognized by Builder's Magazine as #54 of America's Best Builders in 2008
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is recognized by Professional Builder Magazine as #194 of America's Best Builders in 2012 and was recognized by Builder's Magazine as one of America's Best Builders in 2012
Woodland Homes of Huntsville was recognized by Madison County for Excellence in Real Estate in 2012
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is ranked #233 by Professional Builder's Magazine as one of America's Housing Giants in 2016
Woodland Homes of Huntsville is ranked #207 by Professional Builder's Magazine as one of America's Housing Giants in 2020.